RLS Podcast 1: Mihaela Edelinski on the Situation in Pannonian Rusynia

Mihaela Edelinski joins Starik Pollock to discuss her latest article on RLS regarding the state of Pannonian Rusyn political and cultural affairs.

The Pannonian Rusyns, a group of roughly 15,000, live isolated in Serbia from the rest of the Rusyn homeland. Due to the different reality that they have experienced being surrounded by Serbians and living in Yugoslavia during the cold war era, the state of ethnic and political consciousness is different from those further north.

Mihaela Edelinski was raised in Ruski Krstur, a Ruthenian cultural center in Vojvodina (Serbia). Since childhood, she was interested in activities where she could show her own national identity, such as folklore, singing, and writing. She is now a regular columnist for RLS.