
To fulfill the goals of The New Rusyn Decade and other projects at SRE we need your support. We do not have the resources to do all of this on our own financially. Any donation you make will help equal the economic playing field and aid in our quest to raise the consciousness of the Rusyn people. By having a greater amount of capital for our projects we can devote more time to them, hire needed experts, and interact with the public in ways that have not been possible yet. Your privacy is important to us as well, so in addition to offering anonymous ways to donate, we have instituted industry best practices regarding security and will not respond to any inquiries regarding particular donations.

If you believe in our mission, want to help raise the Rusyn condition, or preserve the historical works of Subcarpathian Rusyns and Galician Russophiles, please consider one of the options below.

Ways to Donate:

Bitcoin: bc1qvdp45lkznqqua5xh2fq8wmskpjkjg5k5urt7wp

Monero: 45x297Zr1cEcEuooPFjyQ9G6iVxgZHcYkZ5FTPye4x3adrURLaUT45Yh3RPmLPtZG4KiGz36vTWCZ7eDrBJ6QihT7RvHTSZ

