The Strayed Diaspora refers to those with Rusyn ancestry in North America that either see themselves as fully American or part of a different Eastern European ethnicity.
defining terms
Rusynness is the essence of the characteristics that bind the people of the Carpatho-Rusyn nation together.
The Southern Settler Lands are a group of villages formed by Rusyns that migrated from Pryashiv Rus and Lemkovyna into the inner regions of Hungary starting in the 16th and 17th centuries.
The Great Westward Migration was the process of Ruthenians from the Kievan Rus and Wallachians from the Balkans migrating into what would now be Carpathian Rus.
Rusynification is a word that describes the systematic changing of a society based on a desire to prioritize Rusyn ideas, culture, and language.
Нова Лемковина то ідея повторного заселіня Лемковины і західньой Бойківщыны Русинами з заміром досягнути автономію в рамках польской державы.
Nova Lemkovyna or New Lemkovyna is a concept relating to the repopulation of Lemkovyna and western Bojkovyna by ethnic Rusyns with the intent of achieving autonomy within the state of Poland.
Internalized subjugation is a concept that examines the process of an ethnic minority group internalizing the legitimacy of a foreign people to rule over them.
Rusyn erasure is a process by which Rusyns are systematically misrepresented, excluded, and minimized by foreign peoples or nations.