Za Nas

The Society for Rusyn Evolution is a think tank founded in October 2020 by Starik Pollock.

Our mission at SRE is to help ignite and guide the development of Rusyn intellectual, creative, and political thought across the globe. In addition, we see ourselves as an integral part of the New Rusyn Decade. Our work is done through often many wildly different yet interconnected avenues of action. Some of these include empowering young promising intellectuals through fellowships, the creation of educational materials to help teach the next generation of leaders, the Jaziche translation project, and the continued open space for discussion through our op-ed section.

Žebŷ dosjahty totŷ cili rozvoju pro rusynjskŷj narod, takŷj prostir musyt maty tverdo rusynjskŷj charakter. Proto proponujeme sotrudnyctvo lem osobam rusynjskoho rodu, abo osobam z velykŷm pryčynkom do našoho narodu.

Kid' chočete nas kontaktovaty jak medijna cy sponzor'ska organizacija, abo obernuty sja z dajakŷm ynšŷm voprosom, prosyme vas napysaty nam na [email protected].