General Description: Below is the death record of the infant daughter of St. Alexis Toth and Pani Rosalia Mihalics. This is an extremely valuable document as her name is often missing from records, but thanks to modern archivism, we can finally say that her name was Alexandra (Rosa Ottilia) Tóth.
St. Alexis Toth [18 March 1854 — May 7, 1909+), canonized on May 29-30, 1994 by the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church in America, was lauded as the “apostolic Father of American Orthodox Rus’”. His witness led to the return of thousands of Greek Catholics to Orthodoxy, and according to the OCA, “any future growth or success” of Orthodoxy in all America can be credited his “apostolic labors” as he is truly a founding father of American Rus’.
It is tragic that the name of the infant daughter of such a great foundational Rusyn saint, who died so tragically young, was for a time was lost to history—this was a great historical injustice to for people. Now that we know her name, we may say Eternal Memory to Alexandra Rosa Ottilia Tóth. As St. Peter Mohyla aforetime said to St. Juliana of Volhynia:
“You adorn heaven Alexandria Rosa, like a beautiful flower!”
Record Data:
Entry number: 31
Date of death: 16 Maii [Trans: 16th of May]
Name of the Deceased and their Relatives : Alexandra (Rosa Ottilia) Tóth [i.e. St. Alexis’s Daughter], Alexii Tóth, concip. Dioecesani et def. [defunctae?] Rosae Mihalics filia, Gr. C.
Residence: Eperies főutcza 262.
Age: 5 mensium [Trans. 5 Months]
Cause of Death: incensio cerebri [Trans: Brain inflamation]
Last rites: —
Burial: Coemeterium in monte Calvariae 18. Maii [Trans: Cemetery on Mount Calvary, May 18]
Priest: Idem [Julius Stavrovsky Cooperator loci]
Comments: 173/23