Nova Lemkovyna or New Lemkovyna is a concept relating to the repopulation of Lemkovyna and western Bojkovyna by ethnic Rusyns with the intent of achieving autonomy within the state of Poland.
Category Archive: Dajeme vŷznačenja
Понятя приученого покореня описує тот процес, коли етнічна меншина перенимат ідею правомірности панованя чужого народа над собов.
Internalized subjugation is a concept that examines the process of an ethnic minority group internalizing the legitimacy of a foreign people to rule over them.
Стераня Русинув – процес делеґітимізації, вытісненя и умаленя Русинув другыми народами або націями.
Rusyn erasure is a process by which Rusyns are systematically misrepresented, excluded, and minimized by foreign peoples or nations.