The Southern Settler Lands are a group of villages formed by Rusyns that migrated from Pryashiv Rus and Lemkovyna into the inner regions of Hungary starting in the 16th and 17th centuries. While most have assimilated completely and now see themselves as Hungarians, there are some remnants of this unique past that still remain. A large percentage of the descendants of these settlers still follow Greek Catholicism and the town of Komloska in the Tokaj wine region continues to identify as Rusyn. Whether this assimilation can be reversed depends on how dedicated Rusyn activists are to changing the situation on the ground. As of yet, not much public interest has been sparked on the topic.
Those of this group who still identify as Rusyns and recent Rusyn immigrants to Hungary from Subcarpathia are politically represented by the Rusyn Self-Government. This organization is based in Budapest and conducts yearly activities for the population as well as attempting to champion their political interests. More information on them can be found at
Map of the Southern Settler Lands:

Articles on SRE about the Southern Settler Lands:
Komlóska, a Town in Modernity and the Past
The Rusyn Self-Government of Hungary
Tornabarakony – A (Nearly) Disappeared Rusyn Village in Hungary