The first of four volumes of Зоря-Hajnal, the scholarly journal of the Subcarpathian Scholarly Society.
The second of four volumes of Зоря-Hajnal, the scholarly journal of the Subcarpathian Scholarly Society.
The third of four volumes of Зоря-Hajnal, the scholarly journal of the Subcarpathian Scholarly Society.
The fourth of four volumes of Зоря-Hajnal, the scholarly journal of the Subcarpathian Scholarly Society.
A four-volume collection of Emil Kubek’s writings, including Marko Šoltys (vols. 2-4), considered to be the first novel written in Carpatho-Rusyn.
A four-volume collection of Emil Kubek’s writings, including Marko Šoltys (vols. 2-4), considered to be the first novel written in Carpatho-Rusyn.
A four-volume collection of Emil Kubek’s writings, including Marko Šoltys (vols. 2-4), considered to be the first novel written in Carpatho-Rusyn.
A four-volume collection of Emil Kubek’s writings, including Marko Šoltys (vols. 2-4), considered to be the first novel written in Carpatho-Rusyn.
Історія літературы Підкарпатской Руси з найдавнішых часів до зачатка 20. столітя. Робота написана з українофілского становиска.
Історія літературы Підкарпатской Руси з найдавнішых часів до зачатка 20. столітя. Робота написана з русофілского становиска.
The first book from the four-volume collection by Vladymir Chŷľak, the leading 19th century Lemko writer, containing the short novel Gallows Hill.
Перша кнїжка уметнїцкей литератури на бешеди бачванско-сримских Руснацох. Вєдно зоз авторову Ґраматику бачваньско-рускей бешеди (1923) ше трима за найважнєйшу руску публикацию.