Мигаль Лыжичко пише за тото, як ся кланяєме и як ся тото мінят из мовдов на имня.
Vladimir Pukish writes on the Easter traditions of Subcarpathia.
Иван Лїкар бешедує зоз авторами нового Правописа руского язика з правописним словнїком.
Євгеній Мешко розказує за історію ропы, даколи незамістимої части каждоденного житя Карпатської Руси.
Максим Равлюк-Турчиняк о лемківскых байках і дітинстві.
Иван Лїкар приповеда о шицких обставинох реґистрациї руского язика у стандарду ИСО.
Emily once again delves into the hardships of the diaspora experience.
Matfey Shaheen writes on the complex story of the Rus peoples and the ability to speak about them impartially.
Nicholas Rackers writes on the interconnectivity of cultures from Central Asia to the Carpathians and how it relates to the Rusyn language.
Emily Djelall writes on misconceptions relating to Rusyn genetics and how one should look.
Matfey Shaheen writes on the novelty of Rusyn literature and how it can be a negative influence.
Starik Pollock writes on the underdeveloped character Rusyn identity and how it impacts cultural growth.
Emily Gall writes on internet culture and how young Rusyns can better deal with the negative side effects of it.
Мигаль Чикивдя розкаже за тото, як у селах горішньої Боржавы віровали и віруют днесь у нечисту силу — перша часть пояснит за вшилиякі файты нечистої силы и што недоброго знают чинити.
Matfey Shaheen writes on what the term prehistory means and its relation to Rusyns of the past.
Starik Pollock writes on what it’s like to find belonging in a society that continues to destroy the tools that help create it.
Emily Gall writes on the pressures to conform to mainstream culture in American society.
Columnist Emily Gall speaks on performative and deductive identity in the context of what is means to be Rusyn.