Adatok hazánk archaeologiájához különös tekintettel Beregmegyére és környékére, II. kötet (Vol. 2)

A monograph written by Tivadar Lehoczky (1830–1915), a prominent lawyer, historian, ethnographer and organiser of museums in Subcarpathia, author of numerous historical books including Bereg vármegye monographiája (A Monograph on Bereg Region), Ungvár, 1881–1882.

In this book, the author dwells upon archaeological findings from the ancient history of Subcarpathia – from the Stone Age through the Bronze Age and the Iron Age to the Great Migration of Peoples. He describes artefacts from excavation sites located in the then Bereg Region of the Kingdom of Hungary, with brief references to the adjacent regions – Ung, Borsod, Heves, Máramaros, and Szatmár. The discoveries are classified site-wise and artefact-wise (e.g., households, ceramics, ore mining, land treatment, hunting, clothing, funeral traditions, etc.).