Короткый опис діалекта русинского етнічного острова коло Коросна, так званых Замішанців, включно з дакількома текстами і словником.
Три статі лінґвіста Еміла Балецького, што доднесь остають найподробнійшым жерелом о русинскім діалекті села Комловшка (міст. Комлош) в Мадярщині.
The article, part of the series “Československá vlastivěda” (no. 3, 1934), provides an overview of the vernacular dialects and literary history of Rusyns in what was then Czechoslovakia (Subcarpathian Rus and the Prešov Region).
The article, part of the series “Československá vlastivěda” (no. 3, 1934), provides an overview of the vernacular dialects and literary history of Rusyns in what was then Czechoslovakia (Subcarpathian Rus and the Prešov Region).
The fourth of four volumes of Зоря-Hajnal, the scholarly journal of the Subcarpathian Scholarly Society.
The dictionary presents over 11500 family names used by Rusyns in present-day Transcarpathia, including their geographical spread and etymology.
One of the two existing monographs on the historical development of Subcarpathian Rusyn dialects, with particular emphasis on the 16-18th cc. period.
The first attempt to systematically sketch the dialectological picture of Uhro-Rus. Contains descriptions of phonetics and grammar, sample texts and a dictionary. The first part concerns Eastern Carpatho-Rusyn dialects.
The first attempt to systematically sketch the dialectological picture of Uhro-Rus. Contains descriptions of phonetics and grammar, sample texts, and a dictionary. The second part concerns Western Carpatho-Rusyn dialects.
Опис фонетикы і морфолоґії русинскых діалектів на югу од Карпат (тоды Чехословакія і Румунія).