An Akathist Service for the Synaxis of the Carpatho-Russian Saints. An akathist is a prayer service coming from a Greek word meaning essentially “not sitting” as traditionally people stand during an akathist. A Synaxis is a collected feast day of a specific group of saints, for example the Synaxis of the Holy Twelve Apostles, the Synaxis of the Archangels, the Synaxis of All Saints who have shone forth in the lands of Rus’ etc. The Synaxis of Carpatho-Russian Saints is celebrated in the UOC and the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia on the first sunday after the feast of Saints Cyril and Methodius which itself falls on May 24 (May 11 on the Old Calendar) and on the second Sunday after Pentecost in ACROD. Russian in this context is used in a classical sense, as in Church Slavonic, i.e. “of Rus’” or “Rusian”, and not with a political connotation.
This particular akathist was published with the blessing of Metropolitan Ioann of Kherson and Taurida of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.