On the Lemko Region

A collection of papers on Lemkos and the Lemko Region published in interwar Poland, at a time of heightened interest in the economic and touristic potential of the Beskid Mountains. The book was reprinted in 2020 by the RuthenicArt Publishing House.


  • The Lemkos and the Lemko Region (J. Smoleński)
  • Anthropogeographic Outline of the Lemko Region (S. Leszczycki)
  • From the Physiography of the Lower Beskids (M. Klimaszewski)
  • Lower Beskids as a Tourist Area (A. Wójcik-Bieśnicki)
  • Military Cemeteries in the Lemko Region (R. Reinfuss)
  • Osturňa: A Village in Spiš at the Border of the Lemko Area (W. Mileski, J. Reychman)