General description: Below is the marriage record of St. Alexis Toth and his wife Pani* Rosalia Mihalics. St. Alexis [18 March 1854 — May 7, 1909+), was canonized on May 29-30, 1994 by the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church in America, and lauded as the “apostolic Father of American Orthodox Rus’”. St. Alexis was a Greek Catholic priest whose conversion to Orthodoxy and subsequent missionary work led to the return to Orthodoxy of thousands and potentially even millions of Greek Catholics, whose ancestors were Orthodox prior to the Unions of Brest and Uzhhorod. The website of the OCA writes:
Like Josiah, “he behaved himself uprightly in the conversion of his people” (Sir 49:2). He was instrumental in the formation or return of seventeen parishes, planting a vineyard of Christ in America, and increasing its fruitful yield many times over. By 1909, the time of his blessed repose, many thousands of Carpatho-Russian and Galician Uniates had returned to Orthodoxy. This was a major event in the history of the North American Mission, which would continue to shape the future of Orthodoxy in this country for many generations to come. Any future growth or success may truly be regarded as the result of Father Toth’s apostolic labors.
Below is his marriage record from the archives of the Greek Catholic Eparchy of Prešov.
* Pani is a title for the wife of a priest in the Ruthenian tradition.
Marriage Record Data:
Entry number: 3
Date of marriage: [1878] die 12a Martii [Trans: March 12, [1878]
Married couple and parents: R. Alexius Toth Clericus Dioces. Eperjes. [Trans: Rev. Alexis Toth, Cleric of the Diocese of Prešov], Rosalia Mihalics Can [?] Custodis filia
Residence: Olysavicza, Kojssó, Eperjes
Religion: Gr. Cath., Gr. Cath. [Greek Catholic]
Age: 24 annorum, 19 annorum [Trans: 24 years (Alexis), 19 Years]
Status: Caelib[atus], Caelib[ata]
Witnesses: Spect. D. Stephanus Kovaliczky Sed. Com. judex G. Cath. Eperjes. Ip. D. Michael Valkovsky R. Gym. Professor
Officiant: Idem [Alexander Rojkovics Parochus]
Canonical Status, Banns and/or impediments to the marriage: dispensati in tribus promulgatinibus et sacrete [?] tempore
Comments: … decreti №5 mart 1878 N 682 per … vicarium …