This article is part two of a series on institutions of power in Pannonian Rusynia. To read part one, click on this text. Political strategizing (or sometimes the lack of it) can give rise to organizations that are good for some individuals inside its structures while lacking for the majority as the case in my community. In the end, the public often does not think about the Institution itself but only about the people who are running it, intending to earn more power over time. For what do we need the power? The obvious first answer is to make changes they want. Can change be made without having the power? Hard, but yes depending on the circumstance. For what kind of changes are we craving? Do the communities (which are created for a specific purpose) have the goal they are supposed to have or are they corrupted in some type of way? People should know how to see the difference between honesty and hypocrisy.
Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad (Department of Rusyn studies)/Филозофски факултет у Новим Садзе (Оддзелєнє за Русинистику)

Rusyn studies as a university discipline at the Faculty of Philosophy have existed since December 1st, 1972, when Julian Ramac was elected to the position of lector for the Rusyn language. Three years later, on December 1st, 1975, Julian Tamas was chosen as an assistant intern for Rusyn literature. This department is small, and the number of both professors and students is very low compared to other subjects. Should those numbers increase more? I guide myself on this issue with the “quality over quantity” rule. One more problem which I can see is that people (It does not apply strictly to Rusyn studies employers) who are already in charge of improving Rusyn culture are not dedicated and honest about the amount they should be. We don’t need even more people who will not truly work for this community.
I like the fact of being a minority in this department. By studying it, many young people can afford to communicate “eye to eye” with professors and get a realistic way of thinking and working on further plans, which refer to the Rusyn community. Professors are the ones who got the grasp of power that they should use to transfer the knowledge to students who will inherit true Rusynophilia.
Ministry of Human and Minority Rights/Министерство за людска и меншинска права

Serbia is a multi-national and multi-cultural country, in which there are also members of a large number of national minorities and various religious and linguistic groups that differ among themselves in terms of numbers, ethnic, religious, linguistic, cultural, and educational customs, and other peculiarities. According to the 2011 census, national minorities make up about 13% of the population of the Republic of Serbia. Rusyns are one of those minorities, and we can’t say that as a minority we have fewer rights than Serbian people. I would put an accent on the fact that we as a nation should be, and we are, grateful for all the freedom we have. But, are we using that freedom in the way we should be? Let’s see some of the rights minorities have that maybe we don’t value and respect that much.
Freedom of expression of national affiliation. – In my not-so-old article, I wrote about the census, which is coming across soon. Rusyns have full right to declare themselves as Rusyns, yet, some of them are still ashamed of their identity and call themselves members of some other nation. This is where my point comes, and it’s that if we don’t respect ourselves, no one will. The Ministry of human and minority rights does have absolute power in controlling our freedom. And if it comes to denial of rights based on low population numbers, we can’t blame them for following the data.
Schooling in the native language. – This topic is something I wrote about in two articles already by now, and it is something I will continue to write about. Is it hypocrisy? Having the full right to teach our children in our native language in a state that has another official language, and still, some people refuse to use this freedom. Schooling in the other language while fighting for our identity is like running in a circle – you only get tired, but you change nothing.
Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina/Скупштина Автономней Покраїни Войводини

The Assembly of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina is the highest body of AP Vojvodina that performs normative and other functions, in accordance with the Constitution, the law, and the Statute. The highest legal act of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina is the Statute. It is adopted by the Assembly with the prior consent of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia. Which provisions connected to Rusyns are made by this Assembly?
Representation of members of national minorities – national communities. – In the provincial bodies and services established by AP Vojvodina, the national composition of the population and the appropriate representation of members of national minorities – national communities, in accordance with the Constitution and the law, are taken into account during employment. In case of significant disproportionate representation of members of national minorities – national communities in the provincial bodies and services established by AP Vojvodina, the Provincial Government is obliged to undertake special measures and activities, such as special scholarship and training programs for trainees, and other measures and activities.
The institutional form of self-government and preservation of the identity of members of national minorities – national communities. – The institutional form through which the right to self-governance is exercised in certain areas of social life is important for preserving the identity of members of national minorities – national communities are regulated by the Constitution and the law.
Members of national minorities – national communities through elected national councils exercise the right to self-government in culture, education, information, and the official use of language and script, in accordance with the law. AP Vojvodina can transfer, in part or in full, the founding rights of educational and cultural institutions of which it is the founder, to the national councils of national minorities, in accordance with the law. It provides funds in its budget for the work of national councils of national minorities based in its territory, in accordance with the law and the provincial assembly’s decision.
What about social and political power outside of Pannonian Rusyns communities?
As mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell, people are the powerhouses of the nation. In the next article, I want to focus on the people who are not part of these communities but still can do something to influence and change the way how Rusyn people not only live but exist too. Every individual should know that he got a bit of power, maybe not to change, but to influence at least some other people. Those who do not have the ability to think, can’t speak. Those who don’t speak will never reach the step of action. Those who can’t make actions, do they even exist? Institutions do not create people, but people create institutions, and we can’t allow them to control us.